Best Video Newscast
1st Place- Simpson College- SCTV, SCTV 10.12.22, Ethan Humble, Sophie Reese, Caleb Geer
2nd Place- Buena Vista University- BVTV News, Joshua Tigges, Joshua Woolcott, Austin West, Cody Holtgrewe, BVTV Crew
3rd Place- Wartburg College- Knight Vision, Knight Vision News, Joshua Hamlyn, Abby Denault, Lauren Ulveling, Ben Revier
Hon. Mention- Loras College, DuMedia, Inside the Lines, Hugh Molony, EJ Greenberg, Connor Tuohy
Best Video News Programming
1st Place- Grand View University- Viewfinder Media, ViewFinder TV, Danielle Castillo, Blake Walker
2nd Place- Buena Vista University, BVTV, The Three Step Process|AgriVista, Joshua Tigges
3rd Place- Loras College- DuMedia, Please Introduce Yourself, Matt Um
Hon. Mention- Loras College- DuMedia, On The Media, Quinn Frese, Media & Society class participants
Best Video News, Public Affairs, or Sports Package
1st Place- Loras College- DuMedia, The Lute, Matt Williams
2nd Place- Simpson College - SCTV, Sports Year in Review, Jake Brend
3rd Place- Grand View University- Viewfinder Media, A Blind Competitive E-sports Player Tells His Story, Blake Walker, Jermayne Myrick
Hon. Mention- Buena Vista University- BVTV, Buenafication Day Package, oshua Tigges, Joshua Woolcott
Best Video Entertainment Package
1st Place- Loras College - DuMedia, The Love Project: Commitment, Hope Ehling, Marion Edwards
2nd Place- Buena Vista University- BVTV, The Marceline Project, Joshua Tigges
3rd Place- Loras College- DuMedia, DU-IT, Emily Surma
Hon. Mention- Simpson College - SCTV, Love is in the Air, Caleb Geer
Best Variety, Music, or Comedy Video Program
1st Place- Kirkwood Community College- Student Productions, Colombian In America, Julian Tabares, Tia Slippy
2nd Place- Buena Vista University- BVTV, Gainz vs Brains the Christmas Special, Colin Imhoff
3rd Place- Simpson College - SCTV, Liv's replacement, Jake Brend
Hon. Mention- Loras College- DuMedia, Need Milk?, Aaron Schmitz, Ben Krogman, Daniel Meeker, Rocco Catalano
Best Video Sportscasting
1st Place- Loras College- DuMedia, Men's Volleyball vs. Augustana, Adam Rodriguez, Sara Hoskins, DuMEDIA Live Sports Crew
2nd Place- Buena Vista University- BVTV, BVU v Coe Football, Isaac Stone, BVTV Crew
3rd Place- Wartburg College- Knight Vision, Knight Vision Sports - Volleyball, Danika Rademacher, Joshua Hamlyn
Hon. Mention- Buena Vista University- BVTV, BVU v Loras VB, Joshua Tigges, BVTV Crew
Best Short Documentary
1st Place- Wartburg College- Knight Vision, Knight Vision Films - Monsters Among Us, Madison Freeland, Kobe Schmuecker, Alec Ille, Lura Ajdini, Katie Hirv, Della Whittaker
2nd Place- Loras College- DuMedia, Witness, Grace Henrich & Alexis Riesberg
3rd Place- Loras College- DuMedia, It's Just Hockey, Josh Payan & Olivia DeVriese
Hon. Mention- Kirkwood Community College- Student Productions, Don't Burn Your Coffee, Jessie Rusk, Danielle Noack, Dylan Fehr
Best Long Form Documentary
1st Place- Loras College- DuMedia, Dancer's Monologue: The Cat and Mouse Game, Marion Edwards
2nd Place- Wartburg College- Knight Vision, Knight Vision Films - Scoundrel or Scapegoat, Britt Avery, Skylar Cunningham, Hope Mather, Kathryn Luers, Kelsey Ryan, Kayla Boeke
3rd Place- Loras College- DuMedia, El Principe Azul, Matt Williams, Juan Luna
Hon. Mention- Simpson College - SCTV, Do R Thang, Seth Howard
Best Video Promo, Commercial, or PSA
1st Place- Loras College- DuMedia, On the Move with Rowdy Energy Promo, Alexis Riesberg
2nd Place- Loras College- DuMedia, Everyone Craves It: Cherry Coke, Emily Surma , Libby Perry
3rd Place- Buena Vista University- BVTV, The Digi Games, Isaac Stone, Joshua Tigges, Carter Soyer, Jadyn Forbes, Lauren McCoy
Hon. Mention- Loras College- DuMedia, Not A Luxury, Matty Smith
Best Experimental Video
1st Place- Loras College- DuMedia, Annunciations, Grace Henrich
2nd Place- Loras College- DuMedia, Maybe..., Artie Kerchmar
3rd Place- Grand View University- Viewfinder Media, Wheat Grass, Explained, Sarah Rush
Hon. Mention- Loras College- DuMedia, A Text Away, Emily Surma & Libby Perry
Best Corporate Video
1st Place- Loras College- DuMedia, The Rise, Nate Kaiser
2nd Place- Grand View University- Viewfinder Media, How To Win The War Against Pet Hair, Kristine Le
3rd Place- Loras College- DuMedia, Lynch Learning Resource Center, Nora Carr
Hon. Mention- Buena Vista University- BVTV, BV Volleyball Recruitment, Joshua Woolcott
Best Short Film
1st Place- Loras College- DuMedia, Alice, Matt Williams
2nd Place- Wartburg College- Knight Vision, Knight Vision Films, Donor, Ben Revier, Lauren Ulveling, Madison Seitz, James Mossman, Paul Seitz, Ethan Shawgo
3rd Place- Loras College- DuMedia, The Facility, Ramsey Schultz, Timothy Tindle, Josh Vogt
Hon. Mention- Wartburg College- Knight Vision, Knight Vision Films, The Grade, Abigail O'Dell, Britta Williams, Ethan Shawgo, Yigit Kacmaz, Soh Onodera, Kobe Schmuecker
1st Place- Simpson College- SCTV, SCTV 10.12.22, Ethan Humble, Sophie Reese, Caleb Geer
2nd Place- Buena Vista University- BVTV News, Joshua Tigges, Joshua Woolcott, Austin West, Cody Holtgrewe, BVTV Crew
3rd Place- Wartburg College- Knight Vision, Knight Vision News, Joshua Hamlyn, Abby Denault, Lauren Ulveling, Ben Revier
Hon. Mention- Loras College, DuMedia, Inside the Lines, Hugh Molony, EJ Greenberg, Connor Tuohy
Best Video News Programming
1st Place- Grand View University- Viewfinder Media, ViewFinder TV, Danielle Castillo, Blake Walker
2nd Place- Buena Vista University, BVTV, The Three Step Process|AgriVista, Joshua Tigges
3rd Place- Loras College- DuMedia, Please Introduce Yourself, Matt Um
Hon. Mention- Loras College- DuMedia, On The Media, Quinn Frese, Media & Society class participants
Best Video News, Public Affairs, or Sports Package
1st Place- Loras College- DuMedia, The Lute, Matt Williams
2nd Place- Simpson College - SCTV, Sports Year in Review, Jake Brend
3rd Place- Grand View University- Viewfinder Media, A Blind Competitive E-sports Player Tells His Story, Blake Walker, Jermayne Myrick
Hon. Mention- Buena Vista University- BVTV, Buenafication Day Package, oshua Tigges, Joshua Woolcott
Best Video Entertainment Package
1st Place- Loras College - DuMedia, The Love Project: Commitment, Hope Ehling, Marion Edwards
2nd Place- Buena Vista University- BVTV, The Marceline Project, Joshua Tigges
3rd Place- Loras College- DuMedia, DU-IT, Emily Surma
Hon. Mention- Simpson College - SCTV, Love is in the Air, Caleb Geer
Best Variety, Music, or Comedy Video Program
1st Place- Kirkwood Community College- Student Productions, Colombian In America, Julian Tabares, Tia Slippy
2nd Place- Buena Vista University- BVTV, Gainz vs Brains the Christmas Special, Colin Imhoff
3rd Place- Simpson College - SCTV, Liv's replacement, Jake Brend
Hon. Mention- Loras College- DuMedia, Need Milk?, Aaron Schmitz, Ben Krogman, Daniel Meeker, Rocco Catalano
Best Video Sportscasting
1st Place- Loras College- DuMedia, Men's Volleyball vs. Augustana, Adam Rodriguez, Sara Hoskins, DuMEDIA Live Sports Crew
2nd Place- Buena Vista University- BVTV, BVU v Coe Football, Isaac Stone, BVTV Crew
3rd Place- Wartburg College- Knight Vision, Knight Vision Sports - Volleyball, Danika Rademacher, Joshua Hamlyn
Hon. Mention- Buena Vista University- BVTV, BVU v Loras VB, Joshua Tigges, BVTV Crew
Best Short Documentary
1st Place- Wartburg College- Knight Vision, Knight Vision Films - Monsters Among Us, Madison Freeland, Kobe Schmuecker, Alec Ille, Lura Ajdini, Katie Hirv, Della Whittaker
2nd Place- Loras College- DuMedia, Witness, Grace Henrich & Alexis Riesberg
3rd Place- Loras College- DuMedia, It's Just Hockey, Josh Payan & Olivia DeVriese
Hon. Mention- Kirkwood Community College- Student Productions, Don't Burn Your Coffee, Jessie Rusk, Danielle Noack, Dylan Fehr
Best Long Form Documentary
1st Place- Loras College- DuMedia, Dancer's Monologue: The Cat and Mouse Game, Marion Edwards
2nd Place- Wartburg College- Knight Vision, Knight Vision Films - Scoundrel or Scapegoat, Britt Avery, Skylar Cunningham, Hope Mather, Kathryn Luers, Kelsey Ryan, Kayla Boeke
3rd Place- Loras College- DuMedia, El Principe Azul, Matt Williams, Juan Luna
Hon. Mention- Simpson College - SCTV, Do R Thang, Seth Howard
Best Video Promo, Commercial, or PSA
1st Place- Loras College- DuMedia, On the Move with Rowdy Energy Promo, Alexis Riesberg
2nd Place- Loras College- DuMedia, Everyone Craves It: Cherry Coke, Emily Surma , Libby Perry
3rd Place- Buena Vista University- BVTV, The Digi Games, Isaac Stone, Joshua Tigges, Carter Soyer, Jadyn Forbes, Lauren McCoy
Hon. Mention- Loras College- DuMedia, Not A Luxury, Matty Smith
Best Experimental Video
1st Place- Loras College- DuMedia, Annunciations, Grace Henrich
2nd Place- Loras College- DuMedia, Maybe..., Artie Kerchmar
3rd Place- Grand View University- Viewfinder Media, Wheat Grass, Explained, Sarah Rush
Hon. Mention- Loras College- DuMedia, A Text Away, Emily Surma & Libby Perry
Best Corporate Video
1st Place- Loras College- DuMedia, The Rise, Nate Kaiser
2nd Place- Grand View University- Viewfinder Media, How To Win The War Against Pet Hair, Kristine Le
3rd Place- Loras College- DuMedia, Lynch Learning Resource Center, Nora Carr
Hon. Mention- Buena Vista University- BVTV, BV Volleyball Recruitment, Joshua Woolcott
Best Short Film
1st Place- Loras College- DuMedia, Alice, Matt Williams
2nd Place- Wartburg College- Knight Vision, Knight Vision Films, Donor, Ben Revier, Lauren Ulveling, Madison Seitz, James Mossman, Paul Seitz, Ethan Shawgo
3rd Place- Loras College- DuMedia, The Facility, Ramsey Schultz, Timothy Tindle, Josh Vogt
Hon. Mention- Wartburg College- Knight Vision, Knight Vision Films, The Grade, Abigail O'Dell, Britta Williams, Ethan Shawgo, Yigit Kacmaz, Soh Onodera, Kobe Schmuecker