Best Video Newscast
1st Place- Grand View University- Viewfinder Media, Viewfinder TV, Gloria Hackett, Linnea Hietala, Blake Walker, Danielle Castillo
2nd Place- Wartburg College- Knight Vision, Knight Vision News, Lauren Ulveling, Ben Revier, Jax Caddell, Yigit Kacmaz, Joey Goetz, Zach Hiney
3rd Place- Loras College, DuMedia, Front Row, Adam Rodriguez, Dylan Ervin, Nolan Swartz
Hon. Mention- Loras College, DuMedia, Inside the Lines, Hugh Molony, EJ Greenberg, Connor Tuohy
Best Video News Programming
1st Place- Buena Vista University- BVTV, Threshing Together - The Albert City Threshermen Series |AgriVista, Joshua Tigges
2nd Place- Wartburg College, Knight Vision News Special Report: International Community, Mila Iushkova, Yigit Kacmaz, Matthew Tudor, Jobey Olson
3rd Place- Grand View University- Viewfinder Media, Book Fun at Reading In Public, Kylie Mariko Arai, Matthew Castleberry, Ryan Rinke, Noah Huff
Hon. Mention- Grand View University- Viewfinder Media, Inside Ironside Axe Club, Alexa McCunn, Brendan Edgington, Rebecca Gilseth
Best Video News, Public Affairs, or Sports Package
1st Place- Simpson College- SCTV, Rewriting the Narrative, Alyssa Whitham
2nd Place- Grand View University- Viewfinder Media, Inside the Secret Des Moines Gym Hidden Above a Bakery, Kristofer Roche, Rune Petersen, Keyshaun Bolen, CJ Severado
3rd Place- Wartburg College- Knight Vision, Wartburg Football Postseason Recap 2022, Henry Powers
Hon. Mention- Loras College- DUMEDIA, Duhawk All Access: Sydney Byington, Cade Messer
Best Video Entertainment Package
1st Place- Drake University- Urban Plains, Exploring Skateland, Hannah Gromen
2nd Place- Loras College- DUMEDIA, American Experience in the Midwest, Sadie Bhattarai
3rd Place- Kirkwood Community College- Student Productions, Behind the Scenes of Kirkwood's "Lost Girl", Dalen Maresh, Tia Slippy, Alice Cruze
Hon. Mention- Loras College- DUMEDIA, Antique Tours, Jessen Weber
Best Variety, Music, or Comedy Video Program
1st Place- University of Northern Iowa - The Northern Iowan, Best of @UNI 2023, Brena Laine Ollinger, Theo Alder, Kylee Mrzlak
2nd Place- Buena Vista University- BVTV, Ron Strauss at the BVTV Diner, Joshua Tigges, Joel Sikora
3rd Place- Loras College- DUMEDIA, Midwest Coffee Tour, Nora Noonan, Belle Rockow, Karly Weiss, Caroline Hutchinson, Emily Lemire
Hon. Mention- Buena Vista University- BVTV, The Beaver Playbook, Austin West, BVTV Crew
Best Video Sportscasting
1st Place- Loras College- DUMEDIA, Loras Women's Basketball vs. Trine, Hugh Molony, Adam Rodriguez, Ryan Haywood, Crew
2nd Place- Wartburg College- Knight Vision, Wartburg football vs Coe , Caleb Kammerer, Henry Powers
3rd Place- Wartburg College- Knight Vision, Wartburg volleyball vs St. Norbert, Caleb Kammerer, Jax Caddell
Hon. Mention- Wartburg College- Knight Vision, Wartburg softball, Henry Powers, Zach Hiney
Best Short Documentary
1st Place- Wartburg College- Knight Vision, Brotherhood - The Enduring Heart of Captain Daniels, Olivia Foster, Rachel Green, Henry Hahn, Ethan Shawgo, Danika Rademacher, Britta Williams
2nd Place- Simpson College - SCTV, Battling Burnout, Sophie Reese
3rd Place- Buena Vista University- BVTV, Discover Albert City Threshermen, Isaac Stone
Hon. Mention- Kirkwood Community College- Student Productions, Playing with Faith, Sam Lund
Best Long Form Documentary
1st Place- Loras College- DUMEDIA, Before Our Eyes, Matt Williams, Josh Payan
2nd Place- Loras College- DUMEDIA, Lawrence "I'm Him" Phillips, Dylan Ervin, Jessen Weber, Cade Messer
3rd Place- Drake University- Urban Plains, Font and Color: A Documentary on Helvetikah Blak, Natalie Novak, Kathryn Pagel
Hon. Mention- Wartburg College- Knight Vision, From Iowa to the World, James Mossman, Jenna White, Mila Lushkova, Grant Berends, Katie Claman, Eva Schoell
Best Video Promo, Commercial, or PSA
1st Place- Loras College- DUMEDIA, Magnetic Charger, Mitch Gruber
2nd Place- Buena Vista University- BVTV, It's More than a Lake, SCJ Members, BVTV Crew
3rd Place- Buena Vista University- BVTV, Buford in the Office, Austin West, Joshua Woolcott
Hon. Mention- Grand View University- Viewfinder Media, A Look Inside a Viewfinder Editor Meeting, Gloria Hackett
Best Experimental Video
1st Place- Buena Vista University- BVTV, 2023 BVU Volleyball Season Hype Video, Joshua Tigges
2nd Place- Grand View University- Viewfinder Media, How Housewives Saved Star Trek and Invented Comic-Con Culture, Olive Palmer
3rd Place- Grand View University- Viewfinder Media, Rock Climbing: Viewfinder Visits Climb Iowa, Gloria Hackett
Hon. Mention- Kirkwood Community College- Student Productions, The Photo Shoot, Alice Blackbriar, Tia Slippy, Zach Williams
Best Corporate Video
1st Place- Kirkwood Community College- Student Productions, Junge Ford & BMW, Tia Slippy, Julian Tabares, Jeanita Kennedy
2nd Place- Loras College- DUMEDIA, Loras Men's Volleyball - Promo 2023, Olivia DeVriese
3rd Place- Grand View University- Viewfinder Media, Inside Mainframe Studios, Megan Mitchell, Isaac Kam, Britsahna Nanthanorath
Hon. Mention- Grand View University- Viewfinder Media, Game Design at Grand View, Crey Abbas, Logan Ashman, Austin Elbert
Best Short Film
1st Place- Loras College- DUMEDIA, To: Mailman, Grace Henrich
2nd Place- Loras College- DUMEDIA, After Mother's Funeral, Julia Medina, Abby Ragusa, Nolan DeVreise, Brock Booth
3rd Place- Wartburg College- Knight Vision, Inflection, Henry Hahn, Tyler Johnson, Kobe Schmuecker, Ethan Shawgo, Lauren Ulveling, James Mossman
Hon. Mention- Loras College- DUMEDIA, PAW, Martin Blythe, Tim Tindle, Noah Miller, Ivan Rico
1st Place- Grand View University- Viewfinder Media, Viewfinder TV, Gloria Hackett, Linnea Hietala, Blake Walker, Danielle Castillo
2nd Place- Wartburg College- Knight Vision, Knight Vision News, Lauren Ulveling, Ben Revier, Jax Caddell, Yigit Kacmaz, Joey Goetz, Zach Hiney
3rd Place- Loras College, DuMedia, Front Row, Adam Rodriguez, Dylan Ervin, Nolan Swartz
Hon. Mention- Loras College, DuMedia, Inside the Lines, Hugh Molony, EJ Greenberg, Connor Tuohy
Best Video News Programming
1st Place- Buena Vista University- BVTV, Threshing Together - The Albert City Threshermen Series |AgriVista, Joshua Tigges
2nd Place- Wartburg College, Knight Vision News Special Report: International Community, Mila Iushkova, Yigit Kacmaz, Matthew Tudor, Jobey Olson
3rd Place- Grand View University- Viewfinder Media, Book Fun at Reading In Public, Kylie Mariko Arai, Matthew Castleberry, Ryan Rinke, Noah Huff
Hon. Mention- Grand View University- Viewfinder Media, Inside Ironside Axe Club, Alexa McCunn, Brendan Edgington, Rebecca Gilseth
Best Video News, Public Affairs, or Sports Package
1st Place- Simpson College- SCTV, Rewriting the Narrative, Alyssa Whitham
2nd Place- Grand View University- Viewfinder Media, Inside the Secret Des Moines Gym Hidden Above a Bakery, Kristofer Roche, Rune Petersen, Keyshaun Bolen, CJ Severado
3rd Place- Wartburg College- Knight Vision, Wartburg Football Postseason Recap 2022, Henry Powers
Hon. Mention- Loras College- DUMEDIA, Duhawk All Access: Sydney Byington, Cade Messer
Best Video Entertainment Package
1st Place- Drake University- Urban Plains, Exploring Skateland, Hannah Gromen
2nd Place- Loras College- DUMEDIA, American Experience in the Midwest, Sadie Bhattarai
3rd Place- Kirkwood Community College- Student Productions, Behind the Scenes of Kirkwood's "Lost Girl", Dalen Maresh, Tia Slippy, Alice Cruze
Hon. Mention- Loras College- DUMEDIA, Antique Tours, Jessen Weber
Best Variety, Music, or Comedy Video Program
1st Place- University of Northern Iowa - The Northern Iowan, Best of @UNI 2023, Brena Laine Ollinger, Theo Alder, Kylee Mrzlak
2nd Place- Buena Vista University- BVTV, Ron Strauss at the BVTV Diner, Joshua Tigges, Joel Sikora
3rd Place- Loras College- DUMEDIA, Midwest Coffee Tour, Nora Noonan, Belle Rockow, Karly Weiss, Caroline Hutchinson, Emily Lemire
Hon. Mention- Buena Vista University- BVTV, The Beaver Playbook, Austin West, BVTV Crew
Best Video Sportscasting
1st Place- Loras College- DUMEDIA, Loras Women's Basketball vs. Trine, Hugh Molony, Adam Rodriguez, Ryan Haywood, Crew
2nd Place- Wartburg College- Knight Vision, Wartburg football vs Coe , Caleb Kammerer, Henry Powers
3rd Place- Wartburg College- Knight Vision, Wartburg volleyball vs St. Norbert, Caleb Kammerer, Jax Caddell
Hon. Mention- Wartburg College- Knight Vision, Wartburg softball, Henry Powers, Zach Hiney
Best Short Documentary
1st Place- Wartburg College- Knight Vision, Brotherhood - The Enduring Heart of Captain Daniels, Olivia Foster, Rachel Green, Henry Hahn, Ethan Shawgo, Danika Rademacher, Britta Williams
2nd Place- Simpson College - SCTV, Battling Burnout, Sophie Reese
3rd Place- Buena Vista University- BVTV, Discover Albert City Threshermen, Isaac Stone
Hon. Mention- Kirkwood Community College- Student Productions, Playing with Faith, Sam Lund
Best Long Form Documentary
1st Place- Loras College- DUMEDIA, Before Our Eyes, Matt Williams, Josh Payan
2nd Place- Loras College- DUMEDIA, Lawrence "I'm Him" Phillips, Dylan Ervin, Jessen Weber, Cade Messer
3rd Place- Drake University- Urban Plains, Font and Color: A Documentary on Helvetikah Blak, Natalie Novak, Kathryn Pagel
Hon. Mention- Wartburg College- Knight Vision, From Iowa to the World, James Mossman, Jenna White, Mila Lushkova, Grant Berends, Katie Claman, Eva Schoell
Best Video Promo, Commercial, or PSA
1st Place- Loras College- DUMEDIA, Magnetic Charger, Mitch Gruber
2nd Place- Buena Vista University- BVTV, It's More than a Lake, SCJ Members, BVTV Crew
3rd Place- Buena Vista University- BVTV, Buford in the Office, Austin West, Joshua Woolcott
Hon. Mention- Grand View University- Viewfinder Media, A Look Inside a Viewfinder Editor Meeting, Gloria Hackett
Best Experimental Video
1st Place- Buena Vista University- BVTV, 2023 BVU Volleyball Season Hype Video, Joshua Tigges
2nd Place- Grand View University- Viewfinder Media, How Housewives Saved Star Trek and Invented Comic-Con Culture, Olive Palmer
3rd Place- Grand View University- Viewfinder Media, Rock Climbing: Viewfinder Visits Climb Iowa, Gloria Hackett
Hon. Mention- Kirkwood Community College- Student Productions, The Photo Shoot, Alice Blackbriar, Tia Slippy, Zach Williams
Best Corporate Video
1st Place- Kirkwood Community College- Student Productions, Junge Ford & BMW, Tia Slippy, Julian Tabares, Jeanita Kennedy
2nd Place- Loras College- DUMEDIA, Loras Men's Volleyball - Promo 2023, Olivia DeVriese
3rd Place- Grand View University- Viewfinder Media, Inside Mainframe Studios, Megan Mitchell, Isaac Kam, Britsahna Nanthanorath
Hon. Mention- Grand View University- Viewfinder Media, Game Design at Grand View, Crey Abbas, Logan Ashman, Austin Elbert
Best Short Film
1st Place- Loras College- DUMEDIA, To: Mailman, Grace Henrich
2nd Place- Loras College- DUMEDIA, After Mother's Funeral, Julia Medina, Abby Ragusa, Nolan DeVreise, Brock Booth
3rd Place- Wartburg College- Knight Vision, Inflection, Henry Hahn, Tyler Johnson, Kobe Schmuecker, Ethan Shawgo, Lauren Ulveling, James Mossman
Hon. Mention- Loras College- DUMEDIA, PAW, Martin Blythe, Tim Tindle, Noah Miller, Ivan Rico